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Monday 25 January 2010

What’s Up With Our Government? Part Two: honesty, good will and other omitted basics.

by Kieron McFadden

How well is our civilisation? As well as the people in it, particularly those with broad influence over their fellows, can be truthful.

It is becoming increasingly clear to larger numbers of people just how systemic has become the corruption of the corporate world. The survival problems that corruption creates for us - the mess it can get us into - are exemplified clearly but far from exclusively by the dreadful conduct of the drugs manufacturers and the body that was supposed to regulate them, the FDA. The result? A health debacle that has destroyed many thousands of lives and will have destroyed many thousands more by the time the corpse of drug-obsessed medicine has stopped twitching.

The inescapable truth of the matter is that honesty and good will on our part and on the part of our fellow human beings – including those who administer and promote the human groups known as corporations – are not luxuries or something that “would be nice if only....” They are SURVIVAL POINTS. Those who seek to justify their own degraded behaviour may try to tell us that we cannot afford them but the truth of the matter is that we do not survive well in their absence: we cannot afford NOT to have them.

There is probably a natural law at work that goes something along the lines of: the degree of survival of a society is inversely proportional to the quantity of falsehoods it permits. We can observe this “law” at work: our societies are floundering in a direct ratio to the amount of falsehood we tolerate, particularly from those entities with the biggest impact upon our lives, such as government and its senior echelons, the big corporations, banking and so forth. And, the social “white lie” aside, behind the utterance of falsehood there always lurks ill will on the part of he who utters the falsehood towards he who is the intended recipient thereof.

If we are to survive we have to be able to apply reason to the resolution of survival problems and the evaluation of data. Successful reasoning leads to enhanced survival but successful reasoning requires true data. If you wilfully supply another with false data, you impair his ability to reason and if you impair his ability to reason you impair his ability to correctly compute problems of survival

There are probably other natural laws at work here too. For example, an organisation becomes dishonest to the degree that it is controlled by dishonest men. It becomes harmful – inhibits survival – to the degree that it utters or disseminates untruths.

By falsehood, is meant not only the utterances of deliberate lies but the deliberate omission of truth also, the “economy with the truth” so beloved of many politicians and “PR” men, who lie so thoroughly they have even invented disingenuous epithets for “lying!”

One can identify several fatal flaws in our culture that, uncorrected, are killing it and will sooner or later polish it off entirely but the common denominator of all these flaws and the fact that they are allowed to persist uncorrected is that “someone is lying” to the people. In fact some groups within our culture have become virtual lie factories, manufacturing falsehoods as if their lives depended on it – whereas the lives of everyone else depend on their telling the truth.

Take one example: our civilisation is steadily going insane. There is a degeneration of conduct, an increasing incidence of neurosis and psychosis, most glaringly exemplified by the escalation in violence, drug addiction, familial breakdown, irresponsibility and distrust we see all around us. This is a headlong plummet into lower and lower survival potential. But this decline is hardly surprising when one observes that the mental health of the nation has been placed in the hands of a false mental “technology” that cannot make anyone well and DOES NOT WORK. If it worked, things would be improving, wouldn’t they? That situation and the misery and death it has engendered has persisted for more than a century too long and it still has not been corrected. Why? Because the profession in question, psychiatry, does not tell the truth about itself. Moreover its failures and atrocities are glossed over, ignored or brushed aside by equally dishonest fellow travellers in government, big corporations and the media.

Another example, which I touched on above, is the big corporations that make money out of persuading as many people as possible to take as many drugs as possible for as long as possible. That operation too relies on “PR” and advertising, disinformation and covert influence upon the media, government, the FDA and so forth. The sales of many drugs would plummet if their manufacturers were ever forced to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth about their products, or the FDA were truly impartial, or the large numbers of specific, well documented examples of effective inexpensive, SAFE non-drug treatments for a wide variety of human ailments were not suppressed.

We consumers NEED that whole truth so as to compute our most survival course of action when faced with an ailment or when applying reason to how to AVOID an ailment. But we do not get it. As a result of this systemic dishonesty, our survival is suppressed. Our societies become sicker, our immune systems become weaker, addictions proliferate, and drug-induced complications eat away at physical and mental health. How much of this destruction might a climate of honesty have saved us?

Pulling the string still further and seeking an answer for how come these private-profit corporations have achieved such power over us, we find at the very apex of the planet’s power pyramid, the banking cartels that have dominion over the world’s money supply and thereby over the world. Here we discover economic constraints that are insidiously but very effectively enslaving human beings, a process that REQUIRES the current economic mess into which we are slipping (you didn’t think this debacle was an accident or just a bit of bad luck did you?). How the Great Banking Hoax actually works is beyond the scope of this article but if you wish to understand it, there have been made available FREE books that will explain it to you in straightforward layman’s terms (it is slippery but not rocket science) and these are available through Freedom Plaza. The point here is, again, we are looking at subterfuge and lies, a complete misrepresentation in this case, of banking, debt and what we are being obliged to use as “money”.

Of course it is naive to expect mighty banks or drug corporations – or weapons manufacturers, manufacturers of processed foods, oil companies and so on – to become open and honest, for they would have to fall into the hands of honest men who cared more for their fellows than their wallets for that to happen, but that surely is why we have a government. Isn’t government supposed to act on our behalf as a referee to ensure the citizenry deal with one another fairly and the nefarious do not kill or enslave their fellow man for financial gain?

Actually I‘m not sure if it’s ever been agreed among men exactly what their governments are supposed to do and not do or what government’s legitimate purpose and product are. There are indeed precious few instances down through the ages of governments actually doing a fair job of refereeing. Probably the role of government has always been whatever a few people decide it is, with the majority of human beings not consulted but contracting into the agreement via a bewildered acquiescence. Currently that role appears to be protecting the interests of criminal factions known as this or that “corporation” with the wild notions of some about democracy and freedom and the rights of man a persistent irritation. However, the test of whether such an agreement is a smart one or not is HOW WELL ARE WE SURVIVING?

Right now whatever it is we have agreed to let our governments be and do is bringing us into a condition of lowered survival as things slither into chaos and we rush headlong towards some inglorious demise. We can conclude then, if we consider surviving to be a good and desirable thing, that we have not been too smart about government. It would seem to me to be a smart move on our part to agree right here and now that government should be responsible for bringing back to a state of honesty those individuals and corporations that have strayed from it - and then insist the government actually gets on with it and does the job we have agreed it must do. Or else!

But government is not going to change unless we, the people, make it change. We need a strong, numerous grass roots movement of honest men in alliance, speaking with one voice and insisting (or else) on certain fundamental principles that, enacted, will enhance, not suppress, our survival.

This honesty thing would seem a good fundamental principle with which to start.


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